Tuesday, January 27, 2009

30 weeks and counting

I am now 30 weeks pregnant. We can't believe it...! We are having a home birth, which we didn't do with Taylor. We had her in the hospital with a midwife...We absolutely loved having a midwife and wouldn't change it! But, after much consideration we are going to have Kamdyn at home. We are having a licensed midwife, which its very difficult to become a licensed midwife for home births. Our midwife has been practicing for over 20 years and we absolutely love her. We look forward to having Kamdyn at home and we will keep everyone updated!

We are still in need of cloth diapers (I posted in the last post.) We have received the money for our double stoller and crib...Praise the Lord!

We made our way back to Fort Mill yesterday after being in Florida for 6 weeks. Yes, I said 6 weeks! It was such a nice time of resting, relaxing, healing and spending quality time with my grandma and dad. We are so grateful for our ZHOP family to give us the time off.

Taylor, is growing! She will be 22 months on the 1st of Feb. We can't believe that either....! We are starting to learn our letters and colors. She can recogonize "T, N, M, O, P, D, E and A." She also loves to play with her doll house and kitchen. She loves to sit and pretend to read her books and she loves to take her "baby" with her where ever she goes! Her favorite book right now is a book called "Big Sister." She loves to pick out the mom, dad and baby. We are also working on potty training. She has been ready for about 3 months now but, I am finally ready and I wanted to be at home to start.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

11 weeks and counting

11 weeks and counting until Kamdyn Ruth Ferrell arrives! We can't believe it has gone so fast and that we will have two little girls in just a few weeks!

I actually wanted to list our needs for the second baby. We are not needing cloths or toys! But we do need and would like the following items....

1. Phil & Ted's Four In One Sport Buggy Stroller - 2008 With Doubles Kit - Charcoal or black from www.pishposhbaby.com $449.99

2. A 4-1 converter crib "StorkCraft Taylor Stages Crib" White Finish
from www.Target.com $239.99

3. 2 packages of cloth diapers "BumGenius 3.0 One-Size 12 pack" from www.cottonbabies.com $406.80 for 24 reusable diapers, color white, buttercup or light green. Please no blue or pink.

I have posted pictures at the top of each of these items...

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

An Update

Ta and Daddy

Mommy and Ta looking at the Hawk!

Mommy and Ta

Daddy and Ta looking at the Hawk!

Well, we are still in Florida taking some time off. We are truly enjoying our time together as a family, along with having time to heal from our dramatic 2008! We will be returning to ZHOP the first of February renewed and refreshed.
I am officially 28 weeks pregnant, which means I am now in my 3rd trimester. I'm not really sure were the 2nd trimester went too! It is so surreal that we will have 2 little girls in 12 weeks! We are trying to tell Ta about the baby, she will kiss my belly, says the baby's name and acts interested but, I'm not sure if she totally understands yet! Ta is getting bigger as well. She's starting to be come more and more of a little girl everyday! Jacob and I are really enjoying how much fun she is and how much fun it is to play and be around her!
We took Ta to a Ponce De Leon park a couple of days ago. For those of you who do not know Ponce De Leon's 1st landing was in Punta Gorda, Florida... Which is where I am from. He was en route to find the "Fountain of Youth." Well, anyways this park also has an animal refuge center. They ask for a donation and than you can see all the animals that are hurt and most of them won't every be released. Ta loved it...especially the hawk! The pics below are from that day...

Saturday, January 10, 2009


I am from Florida and love the Florida Gators, so I had to give a little shout out to my team! BCS National Champs again!!! I told Jacob everytime they win the National Championship, I am pregnant. I was pregnant with Taylor when they won the BCS in 2006-07 and I went into labor with her the night they played Ohio State in Basketball to win the college basketball championship....and now I am pregnant with Kamdyn...we will have to see about basketball...this year...GO GATORS!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year


1. I can't believe it is already 2009. I will be 27 this year and we will have our 2nd baby in the beginning of April 09.
2. Jacob, Taylor and I have started off 2009 with a sabatical. This wasn't planned but it is much needed. My dad went into the hospital Christmas night. So, we wanted to stay in Florida until he was released and settled back home. Hopefully, he will go home today. We are taking the whole month of January off. Many of you know that we have had a really rough season with our family, so we are getting healed, refreshed, spending time with the Lord and much needed time with our family.
3. We are approaching the 1 year anniversary of the death of Jacobs dad and my aunt. They both died last year on the same day January 9th, 2008. We both can't believe its been a whole year already.
4. We are looking forward to this year and what the Lord has in store for us. We not sure what it is but anything is better than 2008!

I will post pictures soon. We are planning a couple of fun day trips.....