Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Park

My hottie husband and beautiful little girl!
The airplanes! She loves them and the park was right in the flight plan....
She wasn't fond of the swing!
So cute!

We ate dinner at 6:00pm tonight. I made homemade pizza's with provolone cheese....they were amazing! After dinner, we decided to go to the park. Ta loved it! She had such a great time! I have posted some pics....from the park.

Pray for Ta and I. Jacob is going out of town on a ministry trip this weekend. He will be gone through Sunday night. Pray for grace for Ta and I. Also pray that Jacob will have a fruitful trip!


bekahgreutman said...

wow look at that drool. love it grace grace on you 2

Lauren G said...

so cute! There is an update to my surgery. It was actually posted on the right above the Quick Update post. It was titled Success, so go back and check it out!! Would love to get together sometime!

Anonymous said...

Such cute pics! Thanks for your comment and the recommendation of the video, I will definitely be tracking that down. Other than being sick, were you at all nervous just being pregnant? I cant seem to shake this nerves I have and I know a lot of my sickness would probably go away if I could. I assume the 2nd time around seems so much less "unknown." Advice???