Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry Christmas!

We had a great "white" Christmas! We now have at least a foot of snow on the ground. It started to snow on Wednesday night, all day Friday and on and off today.
Christmas was wonderful! It was just us, Jacob, Taylor, Kamdyn and I. This is the first time ever but it was nice. My mom and grandma are coming on Monday for a week.
We (Taylor) all woke up around 7:30am. No sleeping in for this family especially when you tell your 2 1/2 year old that if she goes to sleep, she will be able to open presents in the am! We came down stairs and I had the video was great! We set the video camera up to capture the moments of opening presents and of course Kamdyn's 1st Christmas When we were all finished, I went to look at the video and wasn't video taping at all! It was defiantly a sad moment. But we video taped much of the day to make up for it.
The girls love there gifts. We gave Taylor a pink guitar, microphone and amp. She loves it! Along with many other dolls, books and a Dora bike helmet (she asked for it.)
Kamdyn, got a "Dino"(special to our family) dog, a toy turtle that makes noise and rolls on the floor and a ball that lights up and rolls on the floor. She loves her toys as well!
We followed up the presents with watching the movie "UP". If you have not watch this movie, it is so cute and perfect for kids. Nothing bad...just pure joy!
As the kids were napping, I started on dinner preparations. We had one amazing dinner. Rosemary and garlic rib eye from Whole Foods, saute green beans with mushrooms, shallots and bacon, cream cheese mash potatoes, candied pecan, apple, goat cheese, red onion, spinach salad, home made rolls and a chocolate citrus two layer cake. Yes, I made everything and everything was amazing! Melt in your mouth amazing! I have to give "Southern Living" magazine the credit though, I did take every recipe from them except the rib eyes. I do have pictures to prove it.
We had such a wonderful day!
On a side note please pray for the Loux family, wife and 10 children. Derek Loux a christian singer, song writer and leader of the International House of Prayer died in a car accident Dec 23. Pray for strength for his family!

Friday, December 18, 2009


I can't believe its already 1 week until Christmas! Boy, this year has flown by!
We as a family, are doing well. We are getting more and more settled here in Kansas City. The weather on the other hand is not settling! It is so dry here, we are routinely putting on lotion and chap stick. It is also a bit colder here than South Carolina and Florida, but other than that we are really well.
Kamdyn is cutting her first tooth. I could feel it coming through tonight. Poor thing, I'm glad we do not remember the pain that is behind getting our first tooth! She's been so cuddly, which I love! We also had her first well visit to the pediatrician here in KC. We finally found a Dr that we love, she is amazing! Kamdyn (8mths), weighted in at 14lbs and 25 inches long. She is in the 5% in weight and in height, she's just a little girl! It is surprising because she was 8lbs 3oz's at birth! But not surprising because her momma is little!
Ta did the same thing, she was 14lbs 4ozs when she was 8 or 9 months old, tiny!
Taylor, is doing well also. She is getting excited to open presents on Christmas. We have decided as a family, not celebrate Santa but, instead tell our children about St. Nicholas. We are celebrating the birth of Jesus not some fake icon. The gifts are from Mommy and Daddy. We want our children to realize that mommy and daddy have worked hard for these gifts! Anyways.....We were listening to Christmas songs on the radio and "Jingle Bells" came on and Ta said mommy "this is a song about Tinker Bell!" I thought it was so funny, I had to write it down! So, if I do not blog before Christmas. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I realize that it has been quite some time since my last post.
We have been extremely busy.
In the beginning of November we went to Breckenridge, Colorado for a week on vacation. It was so beautiful! We explored the cute little town, did some shopping, went sledding, visited the Continental Divide, Ta and I painted pottery, built snow men and just relaxed in our amazing 3 bedroom hotel!
Kamdyn and Taylor are doing well. Kamdyn, said "DaDa" to her daddy, for the first time On Wednesday the 25th and she said "MaMa" to me for the first time today.
Taylor, is growing. We've been working on her pronunciation of words and she is doing so well. She's been asking about dance classes. We can't start them until she is 3! But she get's excited just talking about them.
We went home to Illinois for Thanksgiving, to spend time with Jake's family. We had such a nice time. Ta and Kam were spoiled with lots of toys! The Sunday following Thanksgiving, Jake preached and lead worship at a church not to far from his home town in Carmi, Illinois. He did really well and we love the people at Mercy Gate!
Our kitchen is almost complete with renovations. I can't wait until it is finished. It already looks like a totally different kitchen. I will post pictures of the before and after!
We purchased our Christmas tree on Monday and decorated it last night! We had such a good time. We are going today to get Kamdyn's stocking done, buy an ornament for her first Christmas and an ornament in honor of my dad. It's a little difficult right now thinking about this first Christmas with out my dad. It will be different.
I will post pictures as soon as I can. Merry Christmas......I love this time of year!

Saturday, November 14, 2009


Tune in to for free.
The Holy Spirit is moving in an incredible way...people are being physically healed and emotional healed.

I will post an update soon, from our vacation. This is just way more important!

Thursday, October 29, 2009


OK...I realize it has been a while since the last post!
We are doing well. Ta and Kam are growing. Ta says the funniest things. She started to say "nope" to me when she didn't want something so, I taught her to say "no mam" or "no thank you." The funny thing is she says "no mam" to Jacob! He really loves that.....
Kam is pulling herself up on everything. I can't believe she is already doing this. She is now sleeping about 4-6 hours straight at night, Praise the Lord. We started her on rice cereal and some 1st fruits and veggies. She gags every time I give her rice cereal!
We are going on Vacay on Sunday. We are headed west to Breckenridge, Colorado! My dad purchased a share in the Hilton Grand Vacation Club, about 5 years ago. So we have "free" vacations every odd year for life...all around the world....thank you daddy! Colorado, just had a huge snow storm so we are expected to see at least 4 feet of snow when we get there.
When we return, Jacob will be heading to Raleigh/Durham, North Carolina for the IHOP-Onething Regional Conference. He will represent the Luke 18 project.
I will post pictures when we return from our vacation!

Monday, October 12, 2009


Happy 6 month birthday to Kamdyn. She is 6 months old today! I can't believe how fast it is going.
My mom was here last week and we had such a great time. We took the girls to the pumpkin patch for the 1st time. Let me just say, it was freezing outside! But it wasn't about us it was for Ta and Kam but mostly Ta!
I have posted some pictures for that day.
We also dedicated Kamdyn on October 9th. It was so nice! She wore the bonnet that I wore when I was baptised as a baby. My mom saved it and found it right after Kamdyn was born. It was so cute, a little small for her head but cute!
The weather has been cold for October. We bought a log for the fireplace but have yet to put it on. The leaves are changing fast and falling fast as well. I hope this doesn't mean a cold winter. So much for global warming huh!
We are going on a family vacation in 3 weeks to Breckenridge, Colorado! We can't wait....for relaxation and nothing to do! Our lives have been so crazy that the last vacation was in April of 2008. So we can't wait for it to get here. When we get back Jacob will be traveling to North Carolina, for a Luke 18 summit in Raleigh Durham. Than we will be heading to Illinois for Thanksgiving. This will be Jacobs first Thanksgiving at home in 6 years! We've always gone home to my family.
We are super excited. Enjoy the new pics.

Friday, October 2, 2009


1st, Taylor turned 2 1/2 yesterday on the first. I can't believe she is already 2 1/2. Everyone keeps telling us how fast it will go and we are beginning to realize how fast she is growing up!
2nd, We are going to start Kamdyn on rice cereal tomorrow! She's been doing well just waking up more than normal at night so, I think she is growing and needs a little help at night time. I can't believe we are starting her already on cereal! I mean it feels like she was just born!
3rd, We just got a "new" van! It is a Honda Odyssey with 34,000 miles on it. The dealership had an extremely good deal on the van and we differently needed one. We were a one car family. Kamdyn and Taylor are both in car seats and they literally take up the whole back seat of our Honda Accord. So, we were really crammed in! We prayed about it for a long time and finally we were blessed with a van! We are super excited and can't wait to take our first road trip in it!
4th and last we had another bird fly into our window this morning. That would make 3 birds now and we've only lived here for 8 weeks!
I will post pictures soon

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Interesting day

Today and actually this week has been very interesting for the Ferrell family.
Last Thursday, we had a little hummingbird fly into our window in the sun room. It stopped and shook itself off after it did it! I felt a little sorry for the poor little bird. I didn't think anything from it, called Jacob to let him know because I thought it was kinda funny!
Than this weekend we had the 10 year anniversary at IHOP and all the festivities! It was great. Isaac, Morgan, Kiah and Lily Bennett stayed with us. Kiah and Ta really had a good time together. They have a special friendship! We love the Bennett family!
On Saturday night, we went to the 10 year anniversary service. Bob Jones gave an encouraging word and said somethings that I honestly can say, I don't understand what he meant by! He mentioned something about a hummingbird. He said "just like a hummingbird has come to my window just now, a hummingbird is coming and is bringing the new sound." Huh! Jacob and I just looked at each other and laughed really hard! We thought it was a little strange at first but than kept processing what Bob said and what had happened. Than....yesterday, I kept thinking to myself what is September 22, I know something important is on Sept 22 (that's today) but, I couldn't think of anything.
So, Ta's coloring this morning in the sun room/playroom and I'm trying to read my bible, when all of a sudden a big bird flies into our sun room window! I looked up and say it flapping its wings. Ta said "Mommy what was that?" I looked at her and said that was a huge bird, Ta and it just flew into our window!
Two birds in less than a week...the first one was little and the second was huge!
I'm not positive on what all of this means but Jacob and I think it means something.......

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Kam is 5 months

Kamdyn turned 5 months old yesterday! I can't believe it's been 5 months! She can pull up on all fours and scoots backwards. She's happy all the time and loves being around people. Taylor and her played together for the first time in the car the other day. Ta was making Kam laugh by pulling on her shade to her car seat. Ta was cracking up, along with Kam. It was the cutest thing in the world! We've got the cutest girls in the world! Happy 5 month birthday Kamdyn

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

My new website

I have started a business called The Daily Grain. Please check out my new website,
Let me know what you think!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

New Pics!

I just sent Ta on her first true date. Of course, she was going on a date with her daddy! They are off to the library for story time and then lunch together. Ta could not be more excited. She was up at 6:30 this morning in anticipation and excitement!
It brought back a lot of memories for me as they left. My dad and I would go out to breakfast every Saturday morning, to a little place called Nancy's in Port Charlotte, Florida. When I got a little older we would go eat breakfast and than go play a round of golf together at the Next Nine. We would always have a good time together! I had a really great dad!
It is so important for dads to date there daughters. It builds an extreme confidence in them and just knowing how much there dad loves them. It also builds a confidence in them about how much the Father really loves them! Dads if you haven't done so, take your daughter on a date!
So, its just Kamdyn and I playing this morning! She is getting so big. She can get up on all fours and rock back and forth...she's only 4 1/2 months! She's a pretty happy baby all of the time!
Progress on the house is going well. We've been busy getting everything in place. We had Jake's mom and step dad in town for the weekend and we've had a few different couples over for dinner this week. I will post pictures of the house soon. Here are some pictures of Ta and Kam, enjoy.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I just wanted to wish my dad....a Happy birthday daddy! I love you and miss you so much. I thanked the Lord this morning for all the years we had together.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Great day!

We had a really great day today. We live 3 blocks from a farm market called KC Organics. So, the girls and I walked over to it, while Jacob was at IHOP. It was great and I actually had a great talk with the man who runs the market. I mentioned that I would like to promote one of the things that I love to do and he was so for it. So, it looks like I will be selling some stuff at the KC Organic Market in the very near future. I will let you know what stuff I will be selling when I get the go ahead from this guy. I am super excited though!
Jacob and I did some gardening today as well. It was so beautiful out, in the 70s. My husband worked so hard today ripping out weeds and moving rocks around, he is the best!
I will post pictures soon of our progress!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Quite time!

I'm enjoying some much needed quite time. My mom took Taylor to the library and Kamdyn is napping! We are slowly getting settled in and unpacking all of our boxes. I think we have about 90% of our boxes unpacked! My mom has been organizing and cleaning, its great with her here.
Kamdyn, is 4 months old today! I can't believe how fast its going. She is starting to laugh, already rolls over both ways and is such a joy! It has really helped to have two children to care and nurture during the grieving process.
Taylor, is miss personality! Her brain is a little spunge. She can count to 10 all by herself.
I will post pictures of all our progress on the house soon.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Our Home!

These are all before pictures of our new house! I mean before because we have a lot of work to do...! We are super excited though and can't wait until everything is done. I think if I have to pick out one more paint color or unpack one more box I might just go insane! No, just kidding but it really is stressful! We are doing well though. The girls are doing well and they both have there own rooms.
Our home has total of 2700 square feet and that includes the basement. They make the houses big in the midwest! We have 4 bedrooms and 2 1/2 baths. It also has a huge back yard...which this is a first for us! Taylor loves the back yard so far! She has picked out the tree that her swing will go on already. Kamdyn is happy to finally have her own room and bed! Jacob starts his new job on Sunday. He is super excited and he's had a couple other job offers inside IHOP as well. I'm excited because he is excited. My mom comes tomorrow to help us! PRAISE THE LORD! We need all the help we can get at this moment. Jacob and I will be taking a few nights off from the munchkins and going on a few dates....down on the Plaza!
We do have a new address if you would like our new address please email me at
We will keep everyone updated on our home progress!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

We made it!

I just wanted to give everyone a quick update...we made it to Kansas City, last week. Our furniture arrived today and so did the internet! I will be posting a more detailed blog in the very near future!

Saturday, July 25, 2009


We finally were approved for our loan yesterday! We close on Thursday so talk about last minute. But I guess thats how the banks are these days! We were on pins and needles for the last 2 weeks wondering if we were going to even get the loan, after completely falling in love with the home that we put an offer on! So, we are so excited to say that "WE GOT THE HOUSE!"
It is bittersweet for me because its a new chapter in my life and I can't call my dad for approval or tell him how excited we are! But, I know he would approve! We called both our moms and my grandma because we just couldn't hold it inside. We are totally down to just a few items left to pack....! We said goodbye to some really great neighbors who were like grandparents to us and great grand parents to Ta and Kam. It was so sad, we walked in the house and cried. Our neighbors thanked us for allowing them to be grandparents. We pray that we will have incredible neighbors like that at our new home. We will post pictures as soon as we close and email our address out to all our friends, family and supporters.
Jake will start August 8th, associate section leading the 6am's. Continue to pray for us as we go and as our family transitions.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

1 week

We currently have 1 week left in the Carolinas. Its bittersweet for me at least. All of my dads family lives over on the west side of South Carolina. So, we will miss them greatly. But we are thankful for the relationship that has been build while we were here. We will also miss friends that are staying at ZHOP.
Jake and I moved here on January 1st, 2006. We were not married or engaged yet. We started the nightwatch at ZHOP and I built the finance program. It was just Jacob and I in a lonely prayer room every night for at least 3 weeks. Than, Brian Clark came, Michael and Teri Hamilton, Tom and Hilary Lacy, Alison Watkins, Roger Joyner, Matt Welch and a few other people that I have forgotten. We all labored in the nightwatch together for the first year. Jacob and I were married on the land...long story....on April 22, 2006. It was ZHOP's first wedding! We have had both our children, Taylor and Kamdyn in the ZHOP community. We named the nightwatch internship "The Awakened." I mean I could go on and on with memories from ZHOP. We will truly miss the people and the friendships that we have built.
We are so excited for Greg and Caryn Burnett. They are going to be the new leaders for ZHOP. If you know them I would suggest funding them financial. They are one of the greatest couples that Jacob and I know and we are truly blessed to call them friends. This is Greg's email address Just let him know I asked you to fund them.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Happy Birthday Babe!

Today, is Jacob's 27Th birthday! Happy Birthday....babe, I am so blessed to have such a wonderful husband..and daddy to our two little girls! I am so excited to start this next season together.....
Today, is also Kamdyn's 3 month birthday. I can't believe how fast she is growing. We went to the doctor yesterday and she weighted 11 lbs, 10 Oz's and is 23 inches long!
Taylor's new phrase is "trust me, mommy and daddy!" Its so funny to hear her say that! I guess we tell her to "trust me Ta."
We are packing, packing and more packing. I think Jacob and I will be professional packers! We are so excited to get to KC and finally have our own home! We will post pictures of our new home as soon as we get there.
We had some family pictures done Friday...they were done by Alec Burnett, she is the daughter of Greg and Caryn Burnett. She is an inspiring photographer! Enjoy the new pictures!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Were Moving

Yes, you read the title of this blog correctly. We are moving. Jacob and I have waited until yesterday to announce that we are moving. We are moving back to Kansas City, MO to be apart of IHOP-KC. Jacob and I went to KC about 3 weeksago, to scope it out and he was offered a position. Jacob will be the associate section leader for the 6am-12pm shift. He will also worship lead. We also took advantage of the down turn in the economy and the $8000.00 first time home buyer credit and bought our first house while we were there. We will close on it the end of this month and we will be in KC by August 1st. Jacob starts his new job on August 15!
I know this all seems very fast but, its been in the works for a while now. We were not open to telling anyone just yet. I also know some of you are thinking that we are burnt out and have had a really rough season, so thats why were going to KC. But we feel its just the opposite and we have heard the voice of the Lord, through many dreams and words. We are so excited for this new season. I will post pictures of our new home and the girls soon. We are having some family pictures done tomorrow! Continue to pray for this family as we transition.

Friday, June 26, 2009

I've had mixed emotions for the past week now. We will be heading out of Florida back to South Carolina on Tuesday morning. This will be the last time that I will be in my home, the place where I grew up. It will soon be an awesome new home, hopefully to a young, growing family. So, remember to pray for us as we go.
We will be back at ZHOP July 3rd. We're looking foward to seeing our friends and moving foward in what the Lord has called this family to do. We are super excited as a family for this next season in our lives. We know as one door closes, another one opens and in the mist of it all the joy of the Lord is our strenght.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Fathers Day!

First, Happy Fathers Day to my first dad...this is his first Fathers Day in heaven! It has to be amazing... It was a little rough today, not getting to call him on the phone or send a card! My dad was an amazing man!
Second, Happy Fathers Day to my second love....Jacob...You are an amazing man! I could not ask for a better husband and daddy to our two little girls. I love you so much!
Third, Happy Fathers Day to all of the dads that read our blog! Dad's are one of a kind!

Friday, June 12, 2009

New Pics

Kamdyn is 2 months old today. She rolled over for the first time on May 27. She went from her tummy to her back! She slept through the night Wednesday night and slept 6 hours straight last night. She also can put herself to sleep when we lay her down...She is a joy, a delight and such a cuddlier! Every time I look at Kamdyn, I thank the Lord for how loyal he has been to us, in our valley...
Taylor, is getting bigger as well! She can say 8 word sentences now..."I have purple butterfly clip in my hair." Her brain is a little sponge and she is learning so much. I can't believe how grown up she is. She is doing really well in her toddler bed. She goes to sleep with out a hitch but, in the mornings she gets up and comes into our bedroom around 6:30am...Well work on that when we get home!
Enjoy the pictures.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


I just realized that it has been a week since I posted something. We are extrememly busy closing down the estate here in Florida. We had 2 estate sales last week and we will have the final one this Friday. Talk about emotional, watching people pay minimual prices for stuff that means so much to me. But, it's just stuff and its the memories that I will continue to hold on to forever. I just expect my dad to be here and ask us what we are doing with his stuff, but he's not. He just left everything, even his wallet and his life line, his blackberry! I mean we really do not take anything with us when we go to be with the Lord. Its such a crazy thing to think about.... and he doesn't miss any of it!
Tomorrow June 11th, will be 2 months since he died. I can't believe how fast it has gone.
Kamdyn will be 2 months on the 12th. If you do not know the story behind the death of my dad and the birth of our daughter, its in the archives under April. Its pretty amazing...
Kamdyn, is such an amazing baby! She already has a schedule....and just is so easy! She takes 3 naps during the day and is in bed by 9:00pm. She is beautiful!
Taylor, is a new little girl! She is so precious (sometimes!) She knows her colors! She can count to 10, with help...and she loves to dance and sing!
My mom turned.....(don't worry mom, I won't give it away) on June 7th. Happy Birthday! You are an amazing woman and I am so proud that you are my mom! Thank you, for helping us through this difficult season.
I will post pics of the girls ......

Saturday, May 30, 2009

To my Sunrise Fam

I'm thinking of you this weekend....! I hope Alabama is treating you well and that all 3 races get up in the air! dad got out of it this year! There's always next year for us...hopefully we can make it. I love you and thank you for your support through out this difficult season. Please do not hesitate to email me at, so we can keep in contact!

Thursday, May 28, 2009


First things first....Happy Birthday to me! Yes, my birthday is May 29Th and I am now 27 years old. I'm not boasting about my age believe me...! Its going to be a hard on for me as well....but that's OK!
Second, we are still down in Florida. We are making a ton of progress. We've been packing, getting ready for a garage sale, going through papers, throwing things away and meeting with our attorney and CPA. One cool thing, I listed a dining room set on craigslist and with in 12 hours it was sold! We have begun to list other items as well!
Third, I have posted some new pics of Kamdyn and Taylor.
Taylor is doing so well. She is really progressing in her colors, ABC's, 123 and pronunciation. We also, did get her a big girl bed and she loves it! She doesn't get out of bed..but she does wake up at about 7:30am now and she comes in and wakes us up! No more letting her cry to sleep in a little! Kamdyn, is 6 1/2 weeks and is getting bigger by the day! We pulled out a picture of Ta when she was Kamdyn's age and they could be twins! She is really smiling more and more. Her hair is now getting lighter and her eyes are still a dark blue. I'm praying they will turn green! Our girls are so amazing and we love watching them change and grow!
I have posted some new pictures of Ta and Kam enjoy

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Today, I am full of many different emotions. I am happy to have an amazing husband, children, mom, nana, and family. I am sad because of the death of my dad. I am utterly speechless at how amazing my earthly dad was and the legacy that he has given to us. I am numb to having to clean out a house that has been my home for 27 years. I am in awe of the Lords kindness towards our family and his unending faithfulness!
We started to clean out my dads garage today. We've gone through tools, tools and more tools...! There are lots and lots of memories in that garage! I helped...(I was only 5) dad build a curb made out of wood for the my mom wouldn't run into the wall with the car anymore.... Its still there! My dad and I would spend hours sitting in the garage just many memories...good, good memories.
Ta and Kam are doing well. Kam, is 5 1/2 weeks old. The time is going by so fast. She has started smiling, its called a "Social Smile." When babies see there parents or someone they know they smile! It is so amazing to see her smile at us!
Ta, is getting big as well. She is so much fun right now. We are buying her a big girl princess bed and she is so excited! That means no more crib for Ta and no more safety net for mommy and daddy!!!
I will post pics soon and will keep everyone updated on whats going on, on this end.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Girls

I took Kamdyn to the Dr this morning for her 1 month check up. She turned 1 month yesterday! So, Happy 1 month Birthday Kam! At her check up she weighted 10 lbs 8 ozs and was 21 1/4 inch long. Which put her in the 75-90% but, we know it will change! Like it did with Ta! Of course, she did very well...and she was an angel for Dr Patel!
Kam, just started to smile this past week. I know its not gas because I actually tickled her belly and she smiled and so did Jacob. We have been doing some tummy time with her and she actually almost pushed herself over onto her back, the other day. She is sleeping really well at night! She is so loving and just wants to cuddle with us. And she can sleep through her sister yelling at the top of her lungs.....!

Taylor, is doing well also. We just bought her a kite and she love it! Yesterday, we went outside to fly it for the first time and she just kept saying "Fly Kite...Fly Kite.." It was so funny...She thought that running up and down the street while Jacob held the kite in the air is how it works!! It was one of the funniest things!

We will be going back to Florida on Sunday, to take care of the house there. It will be a hard time for us....That has been the place I called home for the last 26 1/2 years....Pray for us...for wisdom and direction in making decisions based on the two in SC and the other in FL.

We will keep everyone posted!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Dreading today

My dad went to be with Jesus 1 month ago today. I can't believe how fast the month has gone and how much I miss him. If only I could get 24 more hours with him...I have so much to tell him and to ask him.
He was diagnosed with cancer on October 11, 2008 and died exactly 6 months later on April 11, 2009. We thought that he at least had 2-3 years, even the doctors thought that as well. So, we were not expecting him to die so quickly. My dad has left an amazing legacy. He was a man who loved well and gave well. Jacob and I were so privilaged to be with him during his final hours on earth! Daddy, I love you and miss you!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Happy Mothers Day


To all of the Mommy's out there...Happy Mothers Day...!

I have the privilege of being a mom myself to two beautiful little girls. Taylor is 25 months and Kamdyn is 1 month. I also, have the privilege of having great women in my mom, Nana and my mother-in-love.

Happy Mothers Day!

Friday, May 8, 2009

To my Sunrise Family

I just wanted to dedicate some time to our Sunrise family. My dad worked for Sunrise for the last 18 years and they have become family to us, especially to my dad.... Over the last 18 years, we would gather together every Memorial Day weekend for The Great Sunrise Balloon Race. It soon changed to once a year at the end of April. I could not wait for the balloon race every year. It was so much fun....more to me than my dad...but he looked forward to us just spending the weekend together. I have so many good memories from the balloon race and so many memories that no one will ever know...right Em....! Just kidding...I think I could spend 3 days listing all of the memories and funny stories..! This year the Balloon race is in Alabama where in the past it has been held in Miami, Tallahassee and Lake Whales, Florida. My dad and I will not be attending for the first time in 18 years. I did miss out on a wedding, baby and prom...not all at once but 3 different years! So, the last 15 years for me and the last 18 for my dad. I do feel like something will be missing this year....So, Rick when the balloon flies high into the heavens give a shout out to my dad.......and to the rest of our Sunrise Family....have fun with out us...I won't be thinking of you at 3:30am...I will be sleeping! Please know that I will miss you all this year and will be thinking of you. There is always next year!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Kamdyn is now 3 weeks old. I can't believe how fast the weeks have gone already! We are all doing well and getting use to the addition!
Taylor is doing well. She is now 25 months old! I can't believe that either. She is adjusting well to being a "Big Sister." She loves holding and kissing Kamdyn. Wait let me restate that..... "LOVES."
Jacob and I are doing well as can be expected. We are just starting the grieving process all over again. My Aunt Nicki and Jacob's dad just died last January 08. So, we were still grieving for them and now grieving the death of my dad. Its going to be a long road ahead but, I know the Lord is loyal to us.
We will be going back to Florida the end of this month. We have to take care of the estate that is there. The house that my dad lived in was my childhood home. So, there is 26 1/2 years of memories and things to go through. We moved into that house when I was 6 months old. So, it is going to be difficult to go through everything and than possibly put the house up for sale...many many emotions...already run through my head just thinking about it! My room still has things in it....crazy!
I added a new song list to the end of my blog...two of the songs are very meaning full. 1. Glenn Miller "Don't Sit Under the Apple Tree." My dad and I would sit outside at night and he would sing that song to me...and My grandmother sang that song to my dad when he was a little boy. 2. Mercy Me's "Finally Home." Its written from the lead singer and his dad died. Both Jacob and I love this song and it speaks to both of us! Finally, I posted a new pic of Kamdyn and I. She is 2 1/2 weeks old.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

thing I want to remember about this week

1. Ta is doing better at being the big sister
2. Ta and Kam both went to the doctor, Kam went last Wednesday the 22nd. As of last Wednesday she weighted 8lbs 11oz and was 20.5 inches long. Ta went to the doctor today and is 26lbs 4ozs and 35 inches long. Ta did so good at the dr's!
3. We need a van. Jacob can't put his seat all the way back to drive. Kam's car seat is in the way!
4. Its been 3 weeks since my dad and I talked on the phone
5. Kam sleeps in 4 hour blocks and wakes up once during the night to feed! PRAISE THE LORD!
6. Jacob and I celebrated our 3 year anniversary on the 22nd of April. 2 kids in 3 years!
7. We love ZHOP! Some of our closest and dearest friends came to my dads funeral last week. They probably do not realize how much it meant to us!
8. We started using cloth diapers this week...WOW talk about lots of laundry..but its good because no more costly disposable diapers!
9. Ta is potty training and doing such a good job.....We started off with cookies as a reward and now we are down to using 1 M&M each time...cookies each time was a little much!
10. Kam sleeps through anything...even her sister yelling and screaming!

We are looking forward to this new season the Lord has for us. We feel like the whirlwind has ended in the Ferrell family. We are excited about locking in and doing what the Lord has called us to do. Thanks for praying for us and please keep praying for us because the grieving process has just started.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Compilation CD


This CD features various artists from the east coast and benefits Malaria in Africa. Each artist was picked by the producers to be on the compilation. Jacob was picked back in December and the producers asked if "They Say" could be placed on the compilation. The CD was released on April 1, 2009. Check it out on ITUNES.

Saturday, April 25, 2009


Yesterday, we laid my dads body to rest in Union, South Carolina at Mt Lebanon Baptist Church. My dad grew up in the area and he attended, was baptised and saved at this church as a handsome young lad. Which many people reminded me of how good looking he was these last two days! His body is buried next to our precious Aunt Rodey (Lucy, who will out live everyone) along with his grandparents that raised him. The church is way out in the country...I mean way out in the country....It is gorgeous out there!
The funeral service was absolutely amazing....! It was simple yet classy, which if you know my dad that is him! His body was buried in a blue pin stripped dress shirt with khaki dress pants and yes he did have shoes on.. his favorite light brown Florida shoes.....this is his typical attire...if he's not golfing! The service was lead by Pastor Jimmy Farmer, which my dad and Jimmy grew up together. As a matter of fact, they were best friends growing up and even got saved and baptised together. He had a wonderful message which was on Psalm 90-91. The Lord gave Psalm 91 to my dad and I the day after (October 11, 2008)he was diagnosed with cancer. He even had a couple of stories about my dad...which included my dad being the best baseball player in the neighborhood...Than a cousin of my dads, Danny Ponder played the guitar and sang 3 songs..."What A Friend We Have In Jesus," "Don't Sit Under The Apple Tree," and "In the Garden." My dad would have loved the guitar and singing...! I know I did...
We took my dads body to the grave site and did the final goodbyes..after everyone left I just stood there and watched them put his body in the ground. I think that was the hardest moment. I picked some of the flowers that were left, so I could dry them and keep them forever!
We followed the funeral with a family gathering at my Uncle Grady's house. It was so nice to have all the family together...except we were missing my dad!
After getting home last night, I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth..the bathroom/shower is where I do most of my thinking. I was thinking about our children Ta and Kam, how much of a blessing and a reward they are to us. Kam, was born 10 hours after my dad died. In Psalm 127 it says that children are a reward from the Lord. The Lord told us that Kamdyn was a reward from him to Jacob and I for honoring my dad. I just started crying and thanking the Lord for the confirmation! I have always wanted to honor my parents, especially my dad and the Lord confirmed it with a baby!

Thank you all for praying for Jacob, Taylor, Kamdyn and I during this most difficult season......

Monday, April 20, 2009


Kamdyn Born April 12, 2009 Resurrection Sunday
Taylor Born April 1, 2007 Palm Sunday


Kamdyn 1 week old.
Taylor in her new princess jammies....! She dances around in a circle saying "Princess," "Princess"

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Things to remember from this week!

1. We forgot what it is like to have a newborn!
2. Kamdyn is way more relaxed in nature than Ta!
3. Hearing Ta call her sister "Pamdyn!"
4. Teaching Ta that Kamdyn isn't a doll......
5. Kamdyn getting karate chopped in the face by..none other than Ta!
6. Finding my Dad's long lost passport that he put in a very special place!
7. Wishing I could call my daddy, for wisdom in what to do!!!!
8. Learning and getting to see people that my dad touched, counseled and befriended over the years!
9. Donating my dads putter to the golf course that him and his golfing buddies play at 3-4 times a weeks, so they can put it in a memorial case with his picture!
10. Receiving a letter from the person who runs a day program for the handicap here in Port Charlotte. It talks about how my dad got her the grant from the state to start the business...and how grateful she is to have known such a good man.
11. Finding out how wonderful the neighbors are....
12. Ta Flipping the switch "ON" and becoming a 2 year old...."parents you know what I mean."
13. And learning to thank Jesus even in the Valley...and in the Whirlwind!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Celebration of Life Information for my Dad

Roy N. Vaughn

Roy N. Vaughn, 66, of Port Charlotte, FL, went to be with the Lord at Tidewell Hospice & Palliative Care on Saturday, April 11, 2009 surrounded by family.

Born in Spartanburg, SC on September 2, 1942, he was the son of the late Allie V. and Rome G. Gowan. He was also preceded in death by his maternal grandparents O.F. and Hattie S. Ponder, formerly of Spartanburg County, SC. He was formerly married to Jean Lawter Robertson and Denise Coe Vaughn. He was retired from the Sunrise Community, Inc. of Miami, FL where he served a variety of corporate roles in his position as Vice-President over a period of seventeen years. He also worked for twenty-one years with the Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services in a variety of roles ranging from Youth Counselor to Senior Human Services Program Administrator to Chief of Developmental Services Resource and Information Management. A former resident of Columbus and Hendersonville, NC he taught math and science and coached baseball and football at Blue Ridge School for Boys and Polk Central High School from 1963 – 1971, inclusive. A 1963 graduate of Wofford College, he also attended Western Carolina University for graduate work in education.

He is survived by his son Roy Vaughn Jr (Shannon). of Tampa, FL. and his daughter Lacy V. Ferrell (Jacob) of Fort Mill, SC; a grandson Wesley Vaughn and granddaughters Taylor and Kamdyn Ferrell; brothers Grady (Cheryl) and Norman Gowan of Spartanburg, SC and Royce (Diane) Gowan of Coos Bay, OR; sisters Martha Rowell of Spartanburg and Carol (Terry) Medley of Gaffney, SC. In addition to many adoring nieces and nephews he also leaves behind a special mother-in-law, Flo Baldwin, his special friends Charles “Butch” Patteson and golfing buddies, L. Spencer (Spence), John Romanik,and his Sunday morning “Chairman of the Board”, Roger Geib all of Port Charlotte.

A visitation will be held 6:00 PM to 9:00PM on Thursday at Peace Lutheran Church, 21500 Gibralter Dr, Port Charlotte, Florida 33952

A second visitation will be held on April 23, 2009 from 6:00PM-9:00PM at the J.F. Floyd Mortuary in Spartanburg SC at the North Church Street facility. The funeral service will be held April 24, 2009 at 11:00AM, also at J. F Floyd Mortuary's North Church Street facility. Burial will be in the Mt. Lebanon Baptist Church cemetery, Union, SC.

Monday, April 13, 2009

The Joy of the Lord is our Strength!

Kamdyn Ruth Ferrell Born April 12, 2009 Resurrection Sunday at 10:17am. 8 lbs 3 ozs 19.5 inches long
Taylor and Kamdyn seeing each other for the first time!
Our midwife Samantha and Leslie with the birthing center dog!
Jacob and I in the tub with our other midwife
Kamdyn just minutes old!

The JOY of the Lord is our strength!

First and foremost we would like to announce the birth of our daughter, Kamdyn Ruth Ferrell. Her name means "valley of loyalty." She was born Resurrection Sunday, April 12, 2009 at 10:17am. She was 8 lbs 3ozs and 19.5 inches long. She is beautiful! I think she looks like her papa!

I jumped out of bed Sunday morning at 5:30am, after Jacob and I had just fallen asleep at 2:30am with painful contractions. We timed them for an hour and in between the contractions I would fall asleep. We called the midwife at 6:30am and she told us to start heading down to Cape Coral, Florida which was a 45 minute drive from my dad's house. We arrived at the birth center at 7:30am and the midwife check and I was 7cm dilated! I decided a week ago that I wanted an all natural water birth. So, we jumped in the tub and by 10:16am Kamdyn Ruth Ferrell was born. It was a total of 5 hours! The Lord knew I was exhausted!

The night before, April 11 2009, Jacob and I had the privilege of spending and ushering our daddy into heaven. He spend his last day on earth at the Hospice house in Port Charlotte, Florida. Before we moved him, from the hospital to Hospice he asked to see Taylor and we brought Ta into the room at the Hospice house (which is an amazing place.) I said daddy Ta is here to see you. He opened his eyes and had a huge, huge smile on his face and than closed his eyes. Jacob and I spend the rest of the day just praying over him and singing over him. We were privileged to have many friends and family come and pray with us as well. And we even had a church choir come in and sing a couple of songs "What a Friend we have in Jesus" and "Amazing Grace." At 11:00pm, we knew that the time was getting close and so Jacob and I stood by his bed and rubbed his hands and arms and spoke and prayed over him. I just kept saying "daddy, I love you." over and over and over again. I said it at least 1000 times. Jacob and I were weeping and than the Lord said to me "The Joy of the Lord is our Strength" so I said that out loud over and over again. Jacob and I began to have a peace and we began to laughed little! We than told my dad that it was ok and that he could go be with Jesus. Just when we through he took his last breath, his eyes opened and he looked at Jacob and I for about 5 minutes. My daddy was looking at us, his eyes followed my eyes and we told him that it was going to be ok because the joy of the Lord is our strength and that he could go be with Jesus. Than his eye's began to close and at 11:47pm he died, he was with Jesus! He was the most loving and caring man I know. My best friend and the man, Jacob and I would call for wisdom and council. We would talk everyday! He will truly be missed by many, many family and friends. I know heaven can't gain anything but they did on April 11, 2009, it gained an amazing man of faith and love! The joy of the Lord is our Strength!