Saturday, July 25, 2009


We finally were approved for our loan yesterday! We close on Thursday so talk about last minute. But I guess thats how the banks are these days! We were on pins and needles for the last 2 weeks wondering if we were going to even get the loan, after completely falling in love with the home that we put an offer on! So, we are so excited to say that "WE GOT THE HOUSE!"
It is bittersweet for me because its a new chapter in my life and I can't call my dad for approval or tell him how excited we are! But, I know he would approve! We called both our moms and my grandma because we just couldn't hold it inside. We are totally down to just a few items left to pack....! We said goodbye to some really great neighbors who were like grandparents to us and great grand parents to Ta and Kam. It was so sad, we walked in the house and cried. Our neighbors thanked us for allowing them to be grandparents. We pray that we will have incredible neighbors like that at our new home. We will post pictures as soon as we close and email our address out to all our friends, family and supporters.
Jake will start August 8th, associate section leading the 6am's. Continue to pray for us as we go and as our family transitions.

1 comment:

Lora said...

i'll miss you! praying for y'all and this new season. lora