Kamdyn Ruth Ferrell Born April 12, 2009 Resurrection Sunday at 10:17am. 8 lbs 3 ozs 19.5 inches long
Taylor and Kamdyn seeing each other for the first time!
Our midwife Samantha and Leslie with the birthing center dog!
Jacob and I in the tub with our other midwife
Kamdyn just minutes old!
The JOY of the Lord is our strength!
First and foremost we would like to announce the birth of our daughter, Kamdyn Ruth Ferrell. Her name means "valley of loyalty." She was born Resurrection Sunday, April 12, 2009 at 10:17am. She was 8 lbs 3ozs and 19.5 inches long. She is beautiful! I think she looks like her papa!
I jumped out of bed Sunday morning at 5:30am, after Jacob and I had just fallen asleep at 2:30am with painful contractions. We timed them for an hour and in between the contractions I would fall asleep. We called the midwife at 6:30am and she told us to start heading down to Cape Coral, Florida which was a 45 minute drive from my dad's house. We arrived at the birth center at 7:30am and the midwife check and I was 7cm dilated! I decided a week ago that I wanted an all natural water birth. So, we jumped in the tub and by 10:16am Kamdyn Ruth Ferrell was born. It was a total of 5 hours! The Lord knew I was exhausted!
The night before, April 11 2009, Jacob and I had the privilege of spending and ushering our daddy into heaven. He spend his last day on earth at the Hospice house in Port Charlotte, Florida. Before we moved him, from the hospital to Hospice he asked to see Taylor and we brought Ta into the room at the Hospice house (which is an amazing place.) I said daddy Ta is here to see you. He opened his eyes and had a huge, huge smile on his face and than closed his eyes. Jacob and I spend the rest of the day just praying over him and singing over him. We were privileged to have many friends and family come and pray with us as well. And we even had a church choir come in and sing a couple of songs "What a Friend we have in Jesus" and "Amazing Grace." At 11:00pm, we knew that the time was getting close and so Jacob and I stood by his bed and rubbed his hands and arms and spoke and prayed over him. I just kept saying "daddy, I love you." over and over and over again. I said it at least 1000 times. Jacob and I were weeping and than the Lord said to me "The Joy of the Lord is our Strength" so I said that out loud over and over again. Jacob and I began to have a peace and we began to laughed little! We than told my dad that it was ok and that he could go be with Jesus. Just when we through he took his last breath, his eyes opened and he looked at Jacob and I for about 5 minutes. My daddy was looking at us, his eyes followed my eyes and we told him that it was going to be ok because the joy of the Lord is our strength and that he could go be with Jesus. Than his eye's began to close and at 11:47pm he died, he was with Jesus! He was the most loving and caring man I know. My best friend and the man, Jacob and I would call for wisdom and council. We would talk everyday! He will truly be missed by many, many family and friends. I know heaven can't gain anything but they did on April 11, 2009, it gained an amazing man of faith and love! The joy of the Lord is our Strength!
I've never posted a comment on your blog but I do check it every now and then just to see how you are doing. I just read your last post about Kamdyn and your father and I'm crying. I am so excited for your beautiful new daughter and I'm so glad that everything went smoothly. At the same time, I grieve with you for the loss of your father and rejoice with you that he is in heaven with Jesus. Know that you and your family are in my prayers.
yahoo for baby kamdyn! thank you for the story of how your daddy went to the Lord. we love you guys! bless you and can't wait to see more pictures of your new miracle.
wow you guys....such an intense season, much much joy!! we love you and are remembering you guys...can't wait to see the new baby!!
wow.... this is such a powerful testimony! i am so happy for you guys... and sad... how good you could be with your dad all the time! so good you chose to drive down there... and what a great birth! and she looks gorgeous! you are a great woman of God! be blessed and feel hugged! love christiane
You guys are my heros! Can't wait to meet Kamdyn.
Kamdyn is so cute! I am glad to read everything went well with her birth. It seems God was holding her back so you could spend that time with your dad. What a blessing. I am thinking about you and praying that God would give you peace and comfort as you get thru this. I love you!
dude i just wept through your blog. i can feel the Lord's kindness through everything that happened. i know your dad didn't get to see kamdyn, but the whole thing was timed perfectly by the Lord. love you guys and can't wait to see you soon.
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