Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Still pregnant

Yes...I have past my due date...which was today. I am actually not stressed about it because Ta was 1 week late and all I could do was stress about when she was coming. Hey...the Lord knows and has a special date for Kamdyn...! I think it will still be a few days but who knows...
I do have a top 5 list of what not to say to pregnant women when they are very pregnant...and if you have been or never been pregnant or if you are a male please...especially, when I do not know you or when I'm walking in the grocery store..... think twice...and LEARN FROM THE LIST!

5. WOW! When are you due?
4. Twins? Are you having twins?
3. Did you swallow a basketball?
2. I bet you can't wait?
1. AND THE #1 QUESTION is...... WOW, you look like you are going to POP!

I mean more people come up to me in the grocery store and ask these questions....
Ok we will keep everyone updated...We are 3 cm dilated and 90% effaced...So, I am thinking yes...just 7 more to go...just keep walking...keep walking!


Tom Lacy said...

Amen sista! Those are the worst comments and for some crazy reason people are always saying them. Praying for you girl and so excited for you guys! love ya! Hilary

Greg Burnett said...

Yeah! We love the Ferrells, grace to you. Woooo-hoooo!