Monday, October 12, 2009


Happy 6 month birthday to Kamdyn. She is 6 months old today! I can't believe how fast it is going.
My mom was here last week and we had such a great time. We took the girls to the pumpkin patch for the 1st time. Let me just say, it was freezing outside! But it wasn't about us it was for Ta and Kam but mostly Ta!
I have posted some pictures for that day.
We also dedicated Kamdyn on October 9th. It was so nice! She wore the bonnet that I wore when I was baptised as a baby. My mom saved it and found it right after Kamdyn was born. It was so cute, a little small for her head but cute!
The weather has been cold for October. We bought a log for the fireplace but have yet to put it on. The leaves are changing fast and falling fast as well. I hope this doesn't mean a cold winter. So much for global warming huh!
We are going on a family vacation in 3 weeks to Breckenridge, Colorado! We can't wait....for relaxation and nothing to do! Our lives have been so crazy that the last vacation was in April of 2008. So we can't wait for it to get here. When we get back Jacob will be traveling to North Carolina, for a Luke 18 summit in Raleigh Durham. Than we will be heading to Illinois for Thanksgiving. This will be Jacobs first Thanksgiving at home in 6 years! We've always gone home to my family.
We are super excited. Enjoy the new pics.


Lora said...

you look so great, lacy! wow..

Jenna said...

Oh how I miss your mom...such an amazing lady! Please enjoy the cold...we are sweating our you know what's off here in sunny Fla. You and your family look great and happy in your new home! Take care!