Friday, March 26, 2010


Wow, its been a month since my last blog! I can't believe it.....I guess that just shows how busy we've been this month...
First, Jake went to Alabama at the beginning of the month. The second weekend he went to Nashville and last weekend we went to Austin....and this weekend we are celebrating Taylor's 3rd birthday! Yes...I know I can't believe it either...Ta will be 3 (April 1st, Palm Sunday)...OH MY WORD...time does fly...
Were having 25 people over for her party...! Its an outdoor, fun and topping it off with dying Easter eggs. This should be interesting (dying eggs) with 14 children under the age of 7! Thats why the party is outside...
I have once again risen to the occasion and I am making Ta a "pink" cake...I will post pictures after its made...My husband came up with a brillant saving money...we were going to grill out but instead we are having a baked potato bar. He's always trying to find ways to save, save, save (were saving for some acres... land)! We're also having fruit and chips and (pioneer womens) salsa. I'm so excited for Ta and she is excited for her friends to come over...
Kamdyn, will be 1 on April 12 (Resurrection Sunday!) Two April babies, 1 day of rememberance and an anniversary..a lot happens in April too... I can't believe it has been a year already.....Wow time flyes..I think I've said that already. Kam, now can say "hi dadda", take a few steps, hold a "fake" cell phone up to her ear and say "hi" and crawl out of about anything and everything! She crawls out of her saucer, which doesn't help when, I'm trying to fix dinner....She loves people and is very social.
I will post pictures soon from all events this past month and birthday...etc etc

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