Tuesday, December 20, 2011

5 days until....Chrismas

How is it 5 days until Christmas?
Tonight, I dyed macaroni noodles red and green for a little project that the girls will do tomorrow! Remember those noodle wreaths? If you were ever 5 you made a noodle wreath!
It keep us occupied for all of 15 minutes!
It's not as cold outside as it has been the last two years. I think were suppose to get snow on Friday. So, maybe it will be a white Christmas.
The girls are singing on Saturday night at church. The childrens choir will be singing "The Virgin Mary had a baby boy." They're pretty excited!
Harp finally has his first bottom tooth!!! It popped in about a week ago! We've waited for 11 months...and finally he has one!
I really can't wait for Christmas this year, with the kids.
Our real tree is as dead as a door nail because the heat makes it dry in the house. So, I'm a little nervous to even turn the lights on, on the tree.
It's so hard to tell your kids that there isn't a Santa clause, when the world revolves around a fake figure. But we do! We've been telling them the story of St Nick and that mommy and daddy are the one that buy the presents. It might sound outrageous to some, but we just feel like we are suppose go be honest. We want our children to know what the true meaning is and not some fake figure that has nothing to do with Christmas. It's hard for them to understand. We actually found a veggie tales on the story of St Nick!
Well....we have a crazy busy next few days, all for 15 minutes of openin presents on Sunday!
Merry Christmas!

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