Monday, July 9, 2012

Major Change

I've been waiting to write this blog post for sometime. I will try and keep it simple and as short as possible! We are moving! We are moving to Fort Lauderdale, Florida. In March, of this year. I went to visit my best friend for her 30th birthday. It had been about 10 years since we've been together, for a weekend. We had such a blast and she informed me that the church that her and her husband pastor, was on the hunt for a worship pastor. Well, we'd been praying for the Lord to send us or settle us here in Kansas City. So, long story short. We pursued the job and landed the job back in May. We still had a house to sell here in Kansas City. We put our house on the market on June 1 and it sold June 17th. It was the fastest sale our realtor has ever had in all her years of realty! We close July 13th and slowly make our way to Florida, August 1st. Its very bitter sweet for our family. We are super excited for this change but sad to leave friends and people that we consider family. I think the hardest part is closing the door on our first family home. We had no idea, that when we bought it, we would be moving! All the memories we have. The girls became sisters, sharing a room and playing together. Harper, was born in our room. We've watched them grow together and we've become a family. Taylor, learned to ride her bike outside on the driveway. Kamdyn and Harper both took their first steps in the sun room! We've become friends with our amazing neighbors. Jacob and I first fell in love in Kansas City! The best time of year is the fall and spring. I could go on and on. So, we had a photo shoot with an amazing story telling photographer this week. She documented us, being us in our first home. I did cry! We are excited for our new adventure as a family and I've super excited to come "home" to Florida!

1 comment:

Jenna said...

I just caught up on your blog a bit. I am so excited for your family and the adventure ahead back home! Congrats on #4 as well. God bless your beautiful family!