Tuesday, September 11, 2012

We are officially Florida residents. We switched our drivers licenses over. They were able to look me up from 7 years ago! We are completely moved into our rental. We've decided to rent for a year to get a feel for Fort Lauderdale. We are taking our time this time around. Today, Taylor starts her first official day of our homeschool coop. We meet once a week at the local library. She is taking 3 classes. Speech, science and creative movement. She very excited and hasn't stopped talking all morning. Kamdyn, is also homeschooled but preschool. She's doing really well and I know she will be completely reading by 4. Harper, is all boy. Jake, gave him a buzz cut. He still has hair but now he really looks like a little boy. He acts like one as well. Totally different from the girls! Our church North Star is doing well. We love it and the support is amazing. I can honestly say we've never had this kind of community and support ever! The people here are amazing and our neighbors are so kind. I love being in my home state of Florida!

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