Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Lots of updates!

Harper, turned 6 months on the 5th. I can't believe how fast this is going.... He also, had his first helping of homemade "super porridge"on the 7th, he loves it and has been eating it twice a day every sense. As far as sleeping, he seems to be doing better. Two naps during the day and going to bed at 7:30pm, not waking until 2 or 3am and than sleeping until 7am. I feel like there could be break through in his sleeping! Praise the Lord!
The girls are doing well. We are gearing up for a pretty exciting vacation in August. The girls have no idea that we are going to Disney World and doing the princess party thingie...They know were going to Orlando but thats it. We are totally keeping it a secret until we get to Orlando...
They both love their "church" class.
They both have stopped taking afternoon naps....the results are amazing, bed at 7pm and sleeping by 7:30pm. I can deal without naps if it means going to bed on time!
We are doing a little reading program sorta with the local library. I say sorta because we haven't signed up were just doing it!
They love the library, books, learning and reading!
I am reading a new book called "Personality Plus for Parents." So far so good! I'm learning a lot. Its helping me understand how to deal handle different personalities from my own, even if my children have my personality, how to bring out strengths and weaknesses in the girls. I would include Harp buts he's 6months!
My garden is doing well. I'm learning a whole lot about gardening and seeing the fruits of our labor. So far i've taken out the cucumber plants because of cucumber beetles. It made me sad but I wanted to get the beetles out of there!
I've had my first yellow crooked neck squash, a very large zucchini, a patty pan squash and beans. Some might think, thats all...but living in the midwest where its still cold in the spring...it takes a little while longer for things to grow.
I love organic gardening!
Jake is doing well. Today, is his 29th birthday! Next year, i'm throwing him a huge party!!!!! We are celebrating on Saturday.....
He loves his part time worship leader job at Woods Chapel Church. The pastor of the church is amazing and so is the church staff....we already feel like we've been there for years. We can't wait to see what is in our future!
Jake, is co running the conference this week at IHOP. Its the Fascinate Conference (its a teen conference). I'm going on Friday only because Kim Walker will be singing....and well Jake gets the privilage of ushering her and her husband around....Yep one on one! She is by far my favorite female singer right now.
Any ways....enjoy the pictures!

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