Friday, September 20, 2013


Here we are, September. I can't believe it. Landri Rose will be 1 in two months. How is that even possible. She's moving chairs around and not sleeping through the night! We accomplished a few milestones this month. Kamy Rue, learned to ride her bike with out training wheels. We took them off in 1 day and she was riding by the end. I can't believe our 4 1/2 year old is riding her bike. She also, started swimming last month. I asked her to take her floats off, she did and swam from one end of the pool to the other! Ta Renee, is getting big! She's tackling 2nd grade work, at the age of a 1st grader. Harper Caid, he's huge, tall! He says 12 word sentences. He looks like his daddy with blonde hair. We as a family, will travel to NC next week! Jake, is laying down his vocals finally, for his second album! Hopefully, it will be out by the end of this year!

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